Минута Молчания
13 июля 2011
Сегодня в России День траура по погибшим в результате страшной катастрофы теплохода «Булгария» на Волге. Скорблю вместе со всеми, особенно жаль детей.
Реквием «Минута Молчания». В память о погибших. Помним, любим, скорбим…
Катерина Илич.
Акция «Минута Молчания» в СМИ
«В порту Казани почтили память погибших на «Булгарии»
«В память о жертвах «Булгарии» в небо над Казанью выпустили 122 воздушных шара»
«В интернете появилось несколько песен в память о жертвах «Булгарии»
«В память о жертвах «Булгарии»
«Волгоградка написала реквием, посвященный памяти жертв «Булгарии»
«Девушка из Волгограда в память о погибших на «Булгарии» записала пронзительную песню»
Нет слов выразить утрату близких, горе, огромное горе, во всем вина взрослых, жадность, нажива… Бог сам рассудит…
13.07.2011 at 17:01
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
10.09.2013 at 01:57
Walking in the presence of giants here. Cool thinking all around!
16.09.2013 at 10:24
Shiver me timbers, them’s some great information.
21.09.2013 at 03:28
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
21.09.2013 at 17:24
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
29.09.2013 at 02:00
I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
11.10.2013 at 06:57
BION I’m impressed! Cool post!
20.10.2013 at 10:51
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
29.10.2013 at 04:28
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
01.11.2013 at 02:52
Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.
04.11.2013 at 04:53
That’s a clever answer to a tricky question
11.11.2013 at 09:30
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal?
15.11.2013 at 03:56
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
18.11.2013 at 20:36
Hey, that post leaves me feeling foolish. Kudos to you!
01.12.2013 at 23:32
Deep thinking — adds a new dimension to it all.
04.12.2013 at 14:44
The ability to think like that is always a joy to behold
06.12.2013 at 00:52
Thanks alot — your answer solved all my problems after several days struggling
08.12.2013 at 01:32
Taking the overview, this post is first class
10.12.2013 at 09:32
IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of things like that?
16.12.2013 at 19:55
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
23.12.2013 at 11:34
Great stuff, you helped me out so much!
25.12.2013 at 07:25
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
26.12.2013 at 20:53
Action requires knowledge, and now I can act!
31.12.2013 at 20:54
I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
01.01.2014 at 00:46
Thought it wouldn’t to give it a shot. I was right.
03.01.2014 at 06:37
It’s really great that people are sharing this information.
07.01.2014 at 01:25
That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
07.01.2014 at 19:27
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
24.01.2014 at 14:14
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem officially solved!
03.02.2014 at 06:51
Thanky Thanky for all this good information!
11.02.2014 at 04:35
УЖАСНАЯ ТРАГЕДИЯ…СЕРДЦЕ НАИЗНАНКУ…(((видео до слёз… не дай Бог никому такого испытать…
13.07.2011 at 17:03
К сожалению, мы так устроены. «Авось пронесет». Не думали люди о плохом, отдыхать ехали… Не пронесло…
Упокой, Господи, души погибших, прости им все их пригрешения волные и невольные, и даруй им Царствие небесное.
13.07.2011 at 18:25
If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!
14.09.2013 at 15:17
Shoot, who would have thought that it was that easy?
24.09.2013 at 23:35
Wowza, problem solved like it never happened.
30.09.2013 at 08:14
A wonderful job. Super helpful information.
10.10.2013 at 21:38
We need more insights like this in this thread.
12.10.2013 at 03:46
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
23.10.2013 at 01:09
That’s really thinking at a high level
26.10.2013 at 21:17
It’s great to find someone so on the ball
29.10.2013 at 11:25
The accident of finding this post has brightened my day
05.11.2013 at 12:32
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
10.11.2013 at 14:15
Yup, that should defo do the trick!
16.11.2013 at 03:15
It’s good to see someone thinking it through.
19.11.2013 at 08:43
Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!
20.11.2013 at 18:35
I literally jumped out of my chair and danced after reading this!
25.11.2013 at 16:30
That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game
26.11.2013 at 22:57
Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way.
30.11.2013 at 22:31
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.
06.12.2013 at 18:12
I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY
09.12.2013 at 06:27
Four score and seven minutes ago, I read a sweet article. Lol thanks
11.12.2013 at 11:07
Holy concise data batman. Lol!
12.12.2013 at 00:44
You write so honestly about this. Thanks for sharing!
15.12.2013 at 08:44
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
19.12.2013 at 16:17
I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!
23.12.2013 at 09:31
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or incoherent. Not this!
24.12.2013 at 04:42
Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.
26.12.2013 at 11:21
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.
02.01.2014 at 19:09
Thanks for helping me to see things in a different light.
05.01.2014 at 11:02
Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
09.01.2014 at 09:16
Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.
13.01.2014 at 14:49
Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!
30.01.2014 at 05:20
как тяжело смотреть.смотрю и плачу.
13.07.2011 at 20:11
Светлая память погибшим, пусть земля вам будет пухом..скорбим…Царствие небесное!
13.07.2011 at 21:01
Слёзы текут,ком в груди,очень тяжело и больно.
13.07.2011 at 21:01
наревелась… вечная память!!!!!!!
13.07.2011 at 21:50
Скорбим всей страной. Очень жаль, что много невинных детских жизней оборвалось.
Да хранит вас господь, пусть земля вам будет пухом. Аминь.
Каждый ответит за все, никто не забыт ,ничто не забыто.
13.07.2011 at 22:34
I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it
08.09.2013 at 22:03
You’re the greatest! JMHO
09.09.2013 at 20:44
Pleasing to find someone who can think like that
13.09.2013 at 17:08
This does look promising. I’ll keep coming back for more.
29.09.2013 at 20:27
Yup, that should defo do the trick!
14.10.2013 at 06:31
I’m really into it, thanks for this great stuff!
22.10.2013 at 19:18
I bow down humbly in the presence of such greatness.
27.10.2013 at 04:09
You are so awesome for helping me solve this mystery.
27.10.2013 at 17:59
To think, I was confused a minute ago.
04.11.2013 at 23:13
None can doubt the veracity of this article.
06.11.2013 at 21:02
Deep thought! Thanks for contributing.
11.11.2013 at 06:00
People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!
18.11.2013 at 04:14
Thinking like that is really impressive
22.11.2013 at 19:46
Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.
29.11.2013 at 01:34
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
03.12.2013 at 20:44
IJWTS wow! Why can’t I think of things like that?
04.12.2013 at 18:45
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.
07.12.2013 at 12:28
Kudos to you! I hadn’t thought of that!
09.12.2013 at 21:58
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
13.12.2013 at 04:54
Nothing I could say would give you undue credit for this story.
14.12.2013 at 20:42
Yup, that should defo do the trick!
17.12.2013 at 05:33
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
21.12.2013 at 00:37
Your post is a timely contribution to the debate
23.12.2013 at 13:32
That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
24.12.2013 at 22:41
This posting knocked my socks off
28.12.2013 at 19:58
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
01.01.2014 at 07:59
That\’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
06.01.2014 at 17:59
Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
11.01.2014 at 07:49
AFAICT you’ve covered all the bases with this answer!
15.01.2014 at 07:38
Yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby—nice work!
24.01.2014 at 11:43
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
28.01.2014 at 07:14
It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.
07.02.2014 at 04:09
Stellar work there everyone. I’ll keep on reading.
11.02.2014 at 08:23
13.07.2011 at 23:56
спасибо за песню)))
мы всегда будем помнить наших друзей…
14.07.2011 at 02:07
14.07.2011 at 09:21
Виновных наказать по всей строгости.Господи столько Жизней и бедные моряки, в таких условиях приходилось им работать для наживы Хозяина!БУЛГАРИЮ дАВНО НАДО БЫЛО СПИСАТЬ!!!У НАС в СТРАНЕ ПОКА НЕ СЛУЧИТСЯ ВСЕ ХОРОШО… НЕ ДО ЭТОГО ВСЕГО БАРДАКА…
14.07.2011 at 10:42
красивая песня а голос еще краше. А у тебя доброе сердце
14.07.2011 at 11:02
Как такое вообще могло случиться??столько невинных людей погибли…скорбим…
14.07.2011 at 12:51
14.07.2011 at 12:59
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
12.09.2013 at 03:18
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
15.09.2013 at 06:34
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.
01.10.2013 at 05:37
Tip top stuff. I’ll expect more now.
10.10.2013 at 21:36
I cannot tell a lie, that really helped.
14.10.2013 at 09:47
Holy shiznit, this is so cool thank you.
18.10.2013 at 02:33
Smart thinking — a clever way of looking at it.
27.10.2013 at 20:28
I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
30.10.2013 at 01:36
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
01.11.2013 at 18:29
An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!
05.11.2013 at 04:39
I really wish there were more articles like this on the web.
07.11.2013 at 10:41
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
09.11.2013 at 22:10
I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, «bake them a cake!»
16.11.2013 at 09:45
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?
19.11.2013 at 06:48
When you think about it, that’s got to be the right answer.
22.11.2013 at 06:33
In awe of that answer! Really cool!
23.11.2013 at 22:52
Big help, big help. And superlative news of course.
26.11.2013 at 22:56
That’s a crackerjack answer to an interesting question
01.12.2013 at 01:33
Essays like this are so important to broadening people’s horizons.
02.12.2013 at 21:17
That hits the target perfectly. Thanks!
10.12.2013 at 19:49
Heckuva good job. I sure appreciate it.
13.12.2013 at 01:17
It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!
15.12.2013 at 08:01
Everyone would benefit from reading this post
21.12.2013 at 21:30
Home run! Great slugging with that answer!
22.12.2013 at 07:00
Glad I’ve finally found something I agree with!
24.12.2013 at 18:30
Finally! This is just what I was looking for.
26.12.2013 at 00:10
Your’s is the intelligent approach to this issue.
27.12.2013 at 19:09
That kind of thinking shows you\’re an expert
31.12.2013 at 06:57
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
03.01.2014 at 02:00
At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!
07.01.2014 at 15:25
You mean I don’t have to pay for expert advice like this anymore?!
14.01.2014 at 12:29
This is the perfect way to break down this information.
28.01.2014 at 16:47
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
03.02.2014 at 21:43
This forum needed shaking up and you’ve just done that. Great post!
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14.07.2011 at 15:53
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Your posting lays bare the truth
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30.10.2013 at 00:08
That’s the thinking of a creative mind
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18.11.2013 at 09:25
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26.11.2013 at 03:40
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28.11.2013 at 13:24
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07.12.2013 at 12:29
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11.12.2013 at 06:59
The answer of an expert. Good to hear from you.
13.12.2013 at 04:54
Just the type of insight we need to fire up the debate.
14.12.2013 at 07:39
I’ve been looking for a post like this for an age
21.12.2013 at 15:12
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posting!
25.12.2013 at 20:44
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29.12.2013 at 18:16
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03.01.2014 at 19:18
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This article went ahead and made my day.
13.01.2014 at 05:27
Ho ho, who woulda thunk it, right?
26.01.2014 at 04:50
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27.01.2014 at 07:34
Great post with lots of important stuff.
06.02.2014 at 06:01
We need more insights like this in this thread.
10.02.2014 at 19:04
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14.07.2011 at 16:21
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
14.09.2013 at 21:29
The truth just shines through your post
18.09.2013 at 00:33
That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.
01.10.2013 at 21:56
I suppose that sounds and smells just about right.
27.10.2013 at 09:28
Help, I’ve been informed and I can’t become ignorant.
31.10.2013 at 00:23
Hey hey hey, take a gander at what’ you’ve done
31.10.2013 at 08:43
I’m impressed by your writing. Are you a professional or just very knowledgeable?
02.11.2013 at 19:33
I actually found this more entertaining than James Joyce.
08.11.2013 at 19:44
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.
10.11.2013 at 08:19
Now we know who the sensible one is here. Great post!
17.11.2013 at 16:12
Taking the overview, this post hits the spot
23.11.2013 at 13:05
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
26.11.2013 at 00:48
That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.
29.11.2013 at 03:30
Finally! This is just what I was looking for.
02.12.2013 at 09:53
Pleasing to find someone who can think like that
03.12.2013 at 19:12
God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work
04.12.2013 at 18:45
That insight would have saved us a lot of effort early on.
08.12.2013 at 19:58
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
10.12.2013 at 21:22
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
12.12.2013 at 02:39
I’m quite pleased with the information in this one. TY!
20.12.2013 at 14:04
I just hope whoever writes these keeps writing more!
22.12.2013 at 13:21
The honesty of your posting shines through
23.12.2013 at 21:47
That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question
27.12.2013 at 23:29
With all these silly websites, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.
01.01.2014 at 09:11
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
09.01.2014 at 02:45
At last, someone who knows where to find the beef
10.01.2014 at 13:26
Perfect answer! That really gets to the heart of it!
26.01.2014 at 16:45
The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.
30.01.2014 at 19:36
A rolling stone is worth two in the bush, thanks to this article.
06.02.2014 at 11:43
очень жалко детей
14.07.2011 at 17:11
This article achieved exactly what I wanted it to achieve.
09.09.2013 at 11:58
Well macadamia nuts, how about that.
12.09.2013 at 03:18
That’s the best answer by far! Thanks for contributing.
23.09.2013 at 14:03
If you’re looking to buy these articles make it way easier.
10.10.2013 at 21:36
It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!
22.10.2013 at 01:13
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
30.10.2013 at 00:09
IMHO you’ve got the right answer!
07.11.2013 at 15:38
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
11.11.2013 at 20:52
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
20.11.2013 at 08:48
I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.
25.11.2013 at 00:44
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
26.11.2013 at 03:40
I don’t even know what to say, this made things so much easier!
30.11.2013 at 04:43
AFAICT you’ve covered all the bases with this answer!
01.12.2013 at 09:48
That’s really thinking at a high level
03.12.2013 at 04:43
A provocative insight! Just what we need!
06.12.2013 at 00:53
It’s spooky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!
09.12.2013 at 12:07
The accident of finding this post has brightened my day
10.12.2013 at 19:49
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
15.12.2013 at 08:01
Whoa, whoa, get out the way with that good information.
19.12.2013 at 15:33
Your articles are for when it absolutely, positively, needs to be understood overnight.
21.12.2013 at 17:34
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
25.12.2013 at 03:11
Super excited to see more of this kind of stuff online.
31.12.2013 at 18:35
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
02.01.2014 at 15:07
Reading this makes my decisions easier than taking candy from a baby.
04.01.2014 at 17:10
Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!
06.01.2014 at 10:06
I might be beating a dead horse, but thank you for posting this!
08.01.2014 at 06:12
That’s a well-thought-out answer to a challenging question
24.01.2014 at 11:43
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very important.
30.01.2014 at 05:21
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
04.02.2014 at 07:36
Это ужасно! Пусть земля будет им пухомю Соболезную родственникам и друзьям погибшим.
14.07.2011 at 19:55
Красивое исполнение, очень удачное видео. Светлая память!
14.07.2011 at 19:57
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon torpedo.
10.09.2013 at 01:57
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
15.09.2013 at 14:03
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
20.09.2013 at 13:43
Not bad at all fellas and gallas. Thanks.
25.09.2013 at 13:47
This is what we need — an insight to make everyone think
27.09.2013 at 20:17
The purchases I make are entirely based on these articles.
10.10.2013 at 10:20
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
14.10.2013 at 06:31
This makes everything so completely painless.
17.10.2013 at 04:08
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
19.10.2013 at 18:24
Wonderful explanation of facts available here.
23.10.2013 at 06:09
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
26.10.2013 at 15:31
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
28.10.2013 at 20:10
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my questions…until now.
02.11.2013 at 16:12
Ab fab my goodly man.
07.11.2013 at 10:40
At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all
12.11.2013 at 07:07
Hey, that’s powerful. Thanks for the news.
22.11.2013 at 13:22
I read your post and wished I was good enough to write it
23.11.2013 at 20:42
Me dull. You smart. That’s just what I needed.
27.11.2013 at 11:56
Son of a gun, this is so helpful!
29.11.2013 at 17:24
I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
05.12.2013 at 11:33
Your post has lifted the level of debate
11.12.2013 at 18:07
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
12.12.2013 at 09:57
Heck of a job there, it absolutely helps me out.
14.12.2013 at 10:34
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
19.12.2013 at 21:36
Thinking like that shows an expert’s touch
20.12.2013 at 06:54
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
22.12.2013 at 14:57
There is a critical shortage of informative articles like this.
29.12.2013 at 10:28
This article is a home run, pure and simple!
30.12.2013 at 19:07
Super jazzed about getting that know-how.
01.01.2014 at 18:18
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
04.01.2014 at 20:11
Hallelujah! I needed this-you’re my savior.
06.01.2014 at 22:14
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pre-WWII.
09.01.2014 at 12:00
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
12.01.2014 at 04:51
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13.01.2014 at 18:18
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal?
27.01.2014 at 00:57
We definitely need more smart people like you around.
03.02.2014 at 15:40
You can always tell an expert! Thanks for contributing.
10.02.2014 at 19:08
Больно, очень больно…
14.07.2011 at 23:13
Such an impressive answer! You’ve beaten us all with that!
08.09.2013 at 14:07
Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!
10.09.2013 at 17:24
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15.09.2013 at 19:27
You’ve impressed us all with that posting!
22.09.2013 at 20:48
All things considered, this is a first class post
12.10.2013 at 22:35
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20.10.2013 at 19:12
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21.11.2013 at 18:34
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24.11.2013 at 19:04
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15.07.2011 at 00:38
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15.07.2011 at 11:56
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15.07.2011 at 15:39
Good points all around. Truly appreciated.
30.08.2013 at 18:33
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23.10.2013 at 20:14
The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.
30.10.2013 at 07:38
The honesty of your posting shines through
01.11.2013 at 13:58
That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
02.11.2013 at 19:33
Heck of a job there, it absolutely helps me out.
11.11.2013 at 01:42
That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!
15.11.2013 at 14:51
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
20.11.2013 at 03:44
This is just the perfect answer for all of us
21.11.2013 at 12:30
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24.11.2013 at 01:20
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30.11.2013 at 09:45
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01.12.2013 at 16:23
This article went ahead and made my day.
03.12.2013 at 11:24
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04.12.2013 at 18:45
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07.12.2013 at 18:46
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11.12.2013 at 11:07
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16.12.2013 at 10:39
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29.12.2013 at 04:12
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06.01.2014 at 00:53
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Always refreshing to hear a rational answer.
07.11.2013 at 00:29
Heck yeah this is exactly what I needed.
16.11.2013 at 05:58
Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
20.11.2013 at 08:48
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
23.11.2013 at 20:41
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29.11.2013 at 11:49
I am forever indebted to you for this information.
04.12.2013 at 18:45
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12.12.2013 at 16:35
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
15.12.2013 at 02:27
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20.12.2013 at 01:04
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
28.12.2013 at 12:53
I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)
31.12.2013 at 18:36
Thank God! Someone with brains speaks!
03.01.2014 at 02:02
Reading posts like this make surfing such a pleasure
06.01.2014 at 05:43
That’s a quick-witted answer to a difficult question
09.01.2014 at 12:00
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
12.01.2014 at 14:23
The voice of rationality! Good to hear from you.
31.01.2014 at 15:38
Pleasing to find someone who can think like that
05.02.2014 at 06:59
Очень трогательно…Светлая память всем погибшим….
15.07.2011 at 16:56
At last some rationality in our little debate.
11.09.2013 at 04:03
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
15.09.2013 at 14:02
Thanks guys, I just about lost it looking for this.
17.09.2013 at 09:28
Which came first, the problem or the solution? Luckily it doesn’t matter.
25.09.2013 at 02:58
So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
27.09.2013 at 10:55
Learning a ton from these neat articles.
11.10.2013 at 18:36
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
16.10.2013 at 15:00
That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.
18.10.2013 at 13:02
A wonderful job. Super helpful information.
25.10.2013 at 15:37
Great insight. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.
28.10.2013 at 21:17
That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.
04.11.2013 at 23:14
Hot damn, looking pretty useful buddy.
11.11.2013 at 20:52
I told my grandmother how you helped. She said, «bake them a cake!»
26.11.2013 at 21:03
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
29.11.2013 at 17:25
I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.
02.12.2013 at 08:07
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote informative articles.
03.12.2013 at 20:44
IMHO you’ve got the right answer!
08.12.2013 at 09:43
Do you have more great articles like this one?
15.12.2013 at 02:27
Absolutely first rate and copper-bottomed, gentlemen!
17.12.2013 at 02:28
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
22.12.2013 at 04:00
I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.
24.12.2013 at 22:41
I feel so much happier now I understand all this. Thanks!
26.12.2013 at 20:53
This is what we need — an insight to make everyone think
29.12.2013 at 18:16
Yup, that should defo do the trick!
31.12.2013 at 11:34
A good many valuables you’ve given me.
01.01.2014 at 20:57
Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve cheered me up!
04.01.2014 at 12:03
Impressive brain power at work! Great answer!
09.01.2014 at 20:25
That’s way more clever than I was expecting. Thanks!
12.01.2014 at 14:23
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
15.01.2014 at 20:02
Your posting really straightened me out. Thanks!
25.01.2014 at 22:03
What a pleasure to find someone who identifies the issues so clearly
03.02.2014 at 13:21
Больно! страшно! мурашки по телу. мы скорбим о всех погибших в этой ужасной катастрофе.
15.07.2011 at 21:11
Да человеческая халатность , нельзя так жить , ради наживы гибнут люди , дети , так жалко деток , их было почти 40 деток невинных . Люди опомнитесь !!!
15.07.2011 at 22:42
That’s an innoeigus way of thinking about it.
30.08.2013 at 03:30
Wow I must confess you make some very trnnhcaet points. http://rzurgt.com [url=http://jbeoeodb.com]jbeoeodb[/url] [link=http://usxxjhcqv.com]usxxjhcqv[/link]
30.08.2013 at 06:28
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
13.09.2013 at 03:12
It’s like you’re on a mission to save me time and money!
17.09.2013 at 09:28
Hats off to whoever wrote this up and posted it.
30.09.2013 at 19:33
At last, someone who knows where to find the beef
16.10.2013 at 07:21
It’s wonderful to have you on our side, haha!
18.10.2013 at 17:00
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote informative articles.
21.10.2013 at 16:03
I cannot tell a lie, that really helped.
27.10.2013 at 09:28
If my problem was a Death Star, this article is a photon torpedo.
29.10.2013 at 07:26
The ability to think like that is always a joy to behold
01.11.2013 at 11:33
I could watch Schindler’s List and still be happy after reading this.
07.11.2013 at 00:28
Back in school, I’m doing so much learning.
12.11.2013 at 00:49
Okay I’m convinced. Let’s put it to action.
15.11.2013 at 22:42
Hey, good to find someone who agrees with me. GMTA.
19.11.2013 at 21:18
Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.
21.11.2013 at 12:31
So much info in so few words. Tolstoy could learn a lot.
27.11.2013 at 08:02
A little rationality lifts the quality of the debate here. Thanks for contributing!
02.12.2013 at 05:20
Ab fab my goodly man.
05.12.2013 at 04:34
Good job making it appear easy.
08.12.2013 at 16:41
The truth just shines through your post
10.12.2013 at 16:41
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
12.12.2013 at 16:34
That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game
15.12.2013 at 08:44
That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.
16.12.2013 at 05:38
This is an article that makes you think «never thought of that!»
20.12.2013 at 15:58
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
25.12.2013 at 15:57
Superb information here, ol’e chap; keep burning the midnight oil.
25.12.2013 at 18:44
I read your posting and was jealous
28.12.2013 at 05:00
This is a neat summary. Thanks for sharing!
30.12.2013 at 11:04
IMHO you’ve got the right answer!
01.01.2014 at 05:04
That’s a skillful answer to a difficult question
04.01.2014 at 12:03
This introduces a pleasingly rational point of view.
09.01.2014 at 16:27
Never seen a better post! ICOCBW
11.01.2014 at 18:03
It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.
26.01.2014 at 07:06
Way to go on this essay, helped a ton.
31.01.2014 at 20:41
Surprisingly well-written and informative for a free online article.
11.02.2014 at 04:35
Нет слов… Спасибо за песню!… До слез!… До мурашек!… Спасибо! Сильно!
15.07.2011 at 23:06
Я соболезную всем кто потерял близких,но я не могу понять зачем такие мучения детям,почему бог так в этот момент распорядился?
16.07.2011 at 02:42
Grade A stuff. I’m unquestionably in your debt.
09.09.2013 at 11:58
I can’t hear anything over the sound of how awesome this article is.
11.09.2013 at 11:35
Great article, thank you again for writing.
14.09.2013 at 04:37
Reading this makes my decisions easier than taking candy from a baby.
19.09.2013 at 18:28
At last! Someone with the insight to solve the problem!
21.09.2013 at 08:29
This is just the perfect answer for all of us
30.09.2013 at 10:35
That’s the perfect insight in a thread like this.
11.10.2013 at 02:15
Great article, thank you again for writing.
15.10.2013 at 18:02
That’s a brilliant answer to an interesting question
19.10.2013 at 07:42
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
26.10.2013 at 15:31
These pieces really set a standard in the industry.
28.10.2013 at 10:15
You Sir/Madam are the enemy of confusion everywhere!
31.10.2013 at 16:38
You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.
03.11.2013 at 06:43
Learning a ton from these neat articles.
05.11.2013 at 18:55
Thanks for introducing a little rationality into this debate.
18.11.2013 at 20:36
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
25.11.2013 at 00:01
All of these articles have saved me a lot of headaches.
01.12.2013 at 23:32
Hey, that post leaves me feeling foolish. Kudos to you!
03.12.2013 at 19:12
I thank you humbly for sharing your wisdom JJWY
05.12.2013 at 16:08
God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to figure this out.
09.12.2013 at 17:14
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
10.12.2013 at 09:32
That’s a clever answer to a tricky question
14.12.2013 at 10:34
Yup, that should defo do the trick!
15.12.2013 at 19:51
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!
20.12.2013 at 15:58
Stay informative, San Diego, yeah boy!
22.12.2013 at 13:21
It’s posts like this that make surfing so much pleasure
25.12.2013 at 01:11
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on display!
26.12.2013 at 01:28
There’s nothing like the relief of finding what you’re looking for.
29.12.2013 at 20:24
You’ve impressed us all with that posting!
31.12.2013 at 22:06
More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please
01.01.2014 at 15:10
Brilliance for free; your parents must be a sweetheart and a certified genius.
03.01.2014 at 17:16
It’s wonderful to have you on our side, haha!
05.01.2014 at 21:50
That’s a sensible answer to a challenging question
07.01.2014 at 19:27
I was struck by the honesty of your posting
11.01.2014 at 21:11
AFAICT you’ve covered all the bases with this answer!
26.01.2014 at 11:49
Everyone would benefit from reading this post
28.01.2014 at 16:48
I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
02.02.2014 at 22:17
Не возможно смотреть без слёз
16.07.2011 at 05:43
Только слезы на глазах говорят обо всем!
16.07.2011 at 11:38
очень печально((( Царствие им небесное,вечный покой (
16.07.2011 at 12:43
Катерина! Я сама пою, сильно, песня душераздирающая. Исполнила ты ее от чистого сердца. Вот такая она жизнь, надо ценить ее.Творческих тебе успехов. Без слез тут не обойтись.
Ясно, чтобы на Земле был мир, чтобы не было нищеты, безработицы, чтобы люди не просто жили, а жили и радовались. А то последнее время не понять, что делается в нашей стране, в других странах и не знают, как с этим бороться. Погибают дети, взрослые, кому-то это выгодно, все помешаны на деньгах. Такой берут грех на себя, на несколько поколений, не думают, что потом расплачиваться их детям, внукам.. Надо нести только добро в этот мир и это добро вернется с тройной силой, а может и больше.
16.07.2011 at 23:07
Deadly accurate answer. You’ve hit the bullseye!
12.09.2013 at 09:41
Good point. I hadn’t thought about it quite that way.
13.09.2013 at 17:08
That’s a smart way of looking at the world.
20.09.2013 at 03:27
Great hammer of Thor, that is powerfully helpful!
23.09.2013 at 04:56
If you’re looking to buy these articles make it way easier.
11.10.2013 at 21:25
Now that’s subtle! Great to hear from you.
16.10.2013 at 17:08
Umm, are you really just giving this info out for nothing?
18.10.2013 at 09:04
That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky question
27.10.2013 at 09:29
Great thinking! That really breaks the mold!
27.10.2013 at 16:03
I didn’t know where to find this info then kaboom it was here.
30.10.2013 at 22:43
Frankly I think that’s absolutely good stuff.
04.11.2013 at 08:34
It\’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.
07.11.2013 at 06:19
Yours is a clever way of thinking about it.
10.11.2013 at 20:22
Whoever edits and publishes these articles really knows what they’re doing.
16.11.2013 at 13:12
You’re on top of the game. Thanks for sharing.
22.11.2013 at 09:09
Begun, the great internet education has.
23.11.2013 at 15:50
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
27.11.2013 at 22:53
At last! Someone with real expertise gives us the answer. Thanks!
29.11.2013 at 11:49
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
30.11.2013 at 13:57
Thanks for spending time on the computer (writing) so others don’t have to.
11.12.2013 at 11:49
So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
14.12.2013 at 04:11
Ab fab my goodly man.
16.12.2013 at 10:39
Way to use the internet to help people solve problems!
21.12.2013 at 15:12
AFAIC that’s the best answer so far!
23.12.2013 at 02:10
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
25.12.2013 at 14:24
Knowledge wants to be free, just like these articles!
27.12.2013 at 21:59
In the complicated world we live in, it’s good to find simple solutions.
04.01.2014 at 07:46
This post has helped me think things through
06.01.2014 at 00:52
That’s a shrewd answer to a tricky question
07.01.2014 at 22:05
Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.
15.01.2014 at 12:22
Short, sweet, to the point, FREE-exactly as information should be!
26.01.2014 at 19:59
Плачу …
17.07.2011 at 06:52
I really couldn’t ask for more from this article.
09.09.2013 at 04:28
Smart thinking — a clever way of looking at it.
12.09.2013 at 09:41
This is a most useful contribution to the debate
15.09.2013 at 14:02
I really needed to find this info, thank God!
17.09.2013 at 19:58
Taking the overview, this post hits the spot
20.09.2013 at 13:42
If only there were more clever people like you!
29.09.2013 at 14:12
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
11.10.2013 at 21:25
I have been so bewildered in the past but now it all makes sense!
18.10.2013 at 17:00
That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question
29.10.2013 at 04:27
That’s a skillful answer to a difficult question
31.10.2013 at 00:23
Right on-this helped me sort things right out.
03.11.2013 at 10:34
I cannot tell a lie, that really helped.
10.11.2013 at 08:19
Haha. I woke up down today. You’ve cheered me up!
15.11.2013 at 14:52
You put the lime in the coconut and drink the article up.
19.11.2013 at 13:03
No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
25.11.2013 at 06:20
This could not possibly have been more helpful!
26.11.2013 at 09:21
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that answer!
01.12.2013 at 09:48
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brightened my day!
03.12.2013 at 04:04
I’m so glad that the internet allows free info like this!
09.12.2013 at 21:57
You’ve impressed us all with that posting!
10.12.2013 at 16:41
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.
12.12.2013 at 02:39
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
14.12.2013 at 00:56
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knowledge. Sinful?
16.12.2013 at 17:09
BS low — rationality high! Really good answer!
21.12.2013 at 10:54
IJWTS wow! Why can\’t I think of things like that?
22.12.2013 at 21:56
Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.
24.12.2013 at 01:56
What a great resource this text is.
29.12.2013 at 20:24
Your post has moved the debate forward. Thanks for sharing!
31.12.2013 at 01:49
This is way better than a brick & mortar establishment.
06.01.2014 at 22:14
It’s posts like this that make surfing so much pleasure
07.01.2014 at 22:04
Sharp thinking! Thanks for the answer.
12.01.2014 at 17:42
I told my kids we’d play after I found what I needed. Damnit.
25.01.2014 at 04:49
Pin my tail and call me a donkey, that really helped.
04.02.2014 at 12:19
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
13.02.2014 at 08:12
17.07.2011 at 12:47
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.
08.09.2013 at 07:59
Hey, that’s a clever way of thinking about it.
10.09.2013 at 22:06
Thanks for starting the ball rolling with this insight.
16.09.2013 at 09:08
Alright alright alright that’s exactly what I needed!
20.09.2013 at 13:42
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
28.09.2013 at 08:09
I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me!
13.10.2013 at 23:10
This post has helped me think things through
19.10.2013 at 07:42
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
27.10.2013 at 04:09
At last, someone who comes to the heart of it all
02.11.2013 at 23:29
Articles like this just make me want to visit your website even more.
05.11.2013 at 04:31
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
12.11.2013 at 00:49
A minute saved is a minute earned, and this saved hours!
15.11.2013 at 15:48
Very valid, pithy, succinct, and on point. WD.
17.11.2013 at 04:36
This has made my day. I wish all postings were this good.
21.11.2013 at 03:37
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
25.11.2013 at 12:57
This shows real expertise. Thanks for the answer.
27.11.2013 at 08:02
Great stuff, you helped me out so much!
30.11.2013 at 04:43
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
03.12.2013 at 04:43
This is an article that makes you think «never thought of that!»
05.12.2013 at 16:08
That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!
09.12.2013 at 21:57
This is the ideal answer. Everyone should read this
14.12.2013 at 17:24
Super excited to see more of this kind of stuff online.
21.12.2013 at 23:17
Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
31.12.2013 at 22:06
Hey, subtle must be your middle name. Great post!
01.01.2014 at 20:58
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasting.
04.01.2014 at 02:02
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
07.01.2014 at 11:58
You have shed a ray of sunshine into the forum. Thanks!
25.01.2014 at 12:41
Dude, right on there brother.
27.01.2014 at 14:22
17.07.2011 at 13:16
ваша музыка внушает доверие-а слова с ваших уст пронзительно влитают в душу, честно!
18.07.2011 at 02:06
смотрю клипп 10-й раз и каждый раз плачу.Вечная им память!
18.07.2011 at 10:26
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on display!
16.09.2013 at 09:08
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
24.09.2013 at 17:07
Last one to utilize this is a rotten egg!
30.09.2013 at 19:33
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
10.10.2013 at 12:51
What a joy to find such clear thinking. Thanks for posting!
14.10.2013 at 00:51
Well done to think of something like that
16.10.2013 at 03:52
A pleasingly rational answer. Good to hear from you.
18.10.2013 at 16:06
Well done article that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
26.10.2013 at 02:22
If your articles are always this helpful, «I’ll be back.»
28.10.2013 at 21:17
At last, someone comes up with the «right» answer!
31.10.2013 at 08:43
This is a really intelligent way to answer the question.
13.11.2013 at 11:52
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
18.11.2013 at 15:49
This «free sharing» of information seems too good to be true. Like communism.
22.11.2013 at 09:08
Last one to utilize this is a rotten egg!
23.11.2013 at 22:52
I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
28.11.2013 at 02:32
That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
03.12.2013 at 08:27
Thanks for starting the ball rolling with this insight.
07.12.2013 at 09:28
Thanks for that! It’s just the answer I needed.
10.12.2013 at 09:33
You’re the greatest! JMHO
16.12.2013 at 05:35
Thinking like that is really amazing
21.12.2013 at 10:54
Wham bam thank you, ma’am, my questions are answered!
22.12.2013 at 21:56
All things considered, this is a first class post
24.12.2013 at 12:53
You know what, I’m very much inclined to agree.
26.12.2013 at 08:40
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
29.12.2013 at 00:12
What an awesome way to explain this-now I know everything!
01.01.2014 at 07:59
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
06.01.2014 at 10:06
That’s a nicely made answer to a challenging question
10.01.2014 at 15:26
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
15.01.2014 at 08:55
If only there were more clever people like you!
25.01.2014 at 04:11
That’s the best answer of all time! JMHO
01.02.2014 at 20:11
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
02.02.2014 at 22:17
Царствие небесное всем погибшем в этой чудовищной катастрофе. Вечная Память….
18.07.2011 at 10:52
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Aweomse!
30.08.2013 at 03:30
You’re a real deep thknrei. Thanks for sharing. http://lnzzqzrwq.com [url=http://qppwub.com]qppwub[/url] [link=http://ihbooxoahke.com]ihbooxoahke[/link]
30.08.2013 at 06:28
That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question
14.09.2013 at 06:49
Finally! This is just what I was looking for.
01.10.2013 at 10:31
This is just the perfect answer for all forum members
15.10.2013 at 19:56
That’s really thinking out of the box. Thanks!
24.10.2013 at 06:09
The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!
29.10.2013 at 04:27
How neat! Is it really this simple? You make it look easy.
01.11.2013 at 13:58
That’s an intelligent answer to a difficult question xxx
04.11.2013 at 23:14
You’re the greatest! JMHO
13.11.2013 at 07:26
Thanks alot — your answer solved all my problems after several days struggling
14.11.2013 at 02:47
I can’t believe you’re not playing with me—that was so helpful.
20.11.2013 at 12:56
Now I feel stupid. That’s cleared it up for me
24.11.2013 at 10:23
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posting!
26.11.2013 at 13:05
We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!
30.11.2013 at 09:45
Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.
04.12.2013 at 04:09
I was really confused, and this answered all my questions.
09.12.2013 at 17:13
A simple and intelligent point, well made. Thanks!
12.12.2013 at 04:26
Thinking like that is really impressive
15.12.2013 at 18:07
The ability to think like that is always a joy to behold
16.12.2013 at 17:10
I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!
20.12.2013 at 01:04
I was seriously at DefCon 5 until I saw this post.
25.12.2013 at 07:12
Such a deep answer! GD&RVVF
26.12.2013 at 00:10
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
28.12.2013 at 02:01
Thanks for being on point and on target!
31.12.2013 at 06:57
That’s not just the best answer. It’s the bestest answer!
02.01.2014 at 05:49
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
05.01.2014 at 13:39
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
10.01.2014 at 15:26
This introduces a pleasingly rational point of view.
11.01.2014 at 02:09
No question this is the place to get this info, thanks y’all.
24.01.2014 at 18:41
Your’s is a point of view where real intelligence shines through.
27.01.2014 at 14:22
That insight solves the problem. Thanks!
02.02.2014 at 10:24
Вечная паметь.Скорбим и собалезнуем всем кто потерял любимых и близких. Пусть земля им будет пухом…
18.07.2011 at 20:10
Наша жизнь как свеча — может догореть до конца ,а может и потухнуть с чьей-то помощью…Соболезную всем родственникам погибших …
18.07.2011 at 21:28
Залилась слезами…это больно…
19.07.2011 at 23:07
Thanks for the insight. It brings light into the dark!
10.09.2013 at 01:57
Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.
15.09.2013 at 06:33
Well done to think of something like that
28.09.2013 at 15:23
Gee whiz, and I thought this would be hard to find out.
11.10.2013 at 02:15
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
13.10.2013 at 11:17
Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.
17.10.2013 at 08:03
The forum is a brighter place thanks to your posts. Thanks!
23.10.2013 at 13:53
That’s a sensible answer to a challenging question
30.10.2013 at 13:27
Economies are in dire straits, but I can count on this!
08.11.2013 at 16:49
One or two to remember, that is.
10.11.2013 at 00:05
Stay with this guys, you’re helping a lot of people.
19.11.2013 at 13:03
Many many quality points there.
20.11.2013 at 12:56
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
30.11.2013 at 17:15
This article went ahead and made my day.
04.12.2013 at 05:12
Keep on writing and chugging away!
06.12.2013 at 18:13
This is an article that makes you think «never thought of that!»
11.12.2013 at 01:40
Unparalleled accuracy, unequivocal clarity, and undeniable importance!
13.12.2013 at 02:02
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
15.12.2013 at 16:24
That takes us up to the next level. Great posting.
16.12.2013 at 23:58
My problem was a wall until I read this, then I smashed it.
24.12.2013 at 15:55
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
28.12.2013 at 19:18
Whoever wrote this, you know how to make a good article.
30.12.2013 at 11:00
Smart thinking — a clever way of looking at it.
02.01.2014 at 08:28
It was dark when I woke. This is a ray of sunshine.
07.01.2014 at 11:59
I’ve been looking for a post like this forever (and a day)
12.01.2014 at 08:33
Your post has lifted the level of debate
15.01.2014 at 12:19
Furrealz? That’s marvelously good to know.
27.01.2014 at 23:04
A few years ago I’d have to pay someone for this information.
03.02.2014 at 13:21
Только не останавливайтесь……. Творите…….Вы помогаете моногим людям своими песнями……..
20.07.2011 at 11:16
эта страшная трагедия, действительно кровь стынет, больно смотреть на этих родных а как плачут мужчины, тут у самого крепкого сердце не выдержит, держитесь люди,это вечная боль, в вашем сердце они будут вечно живые
20.07.2011 at 11:34
Большое горе . Светлая память пoгибшим .
А родным и близким погибших - мужества. Держитесь . Мы с вами .
20.07.2011 at 14:55
20.07.2011 at 23:04
Почему,почему, опять дети???В смерти детей виновата наша власть, но у них то-же есть дети ,внуки. Бесследно ничто не пройдёт, как аукнется, так и откликнется.
21.07.2011 at 13:58
Thanks for shrnaig. What a pleasure to read!
30.08.2013 at 03:30
Apnepartly this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout. http://nencinirwci.com [url=http://asmldexp.com]asmldexp[/url] [link=http://bxcofd.com]bxcofd[/link]
30.08.2013 at 06:28
Wonderful explanation of facts available here.
14.09.2013 at 15:17
What a joy to find someone else who thinks this way.
16.09.2013 at 02:12
Apparently this is what the esteemed Willis was talkin’ ’bout.
21.09.2013 at 08:29
That hits the target dead center! Great answer!
30.09.2013 at 08:14
You have the monopoly on useful information-aren’t monopolies illegal?
11.10.2013 at 06:57
You make things so clear. Thanks for taking the time!
17.10.2013 at 08:03
How could any of this be better stated? It couldn’t.
23.10.2013 at 20:14
Shoot, so that’s that one supposes.
25.10.2013 at 20:27
Good to find an expert who knows what he’s talking about!
28.10.2013 at 03:47
I can’t believe I’ve been going for years without knowing that.
30.10.2013 at 18:16
Always the best content from these prodigious writers.
11.11.2013 at 09:29
So that’s the case? Quite a revelation that is.
13.11.2013 at 13:53
This is the perfect post for me to find at this time
19.11.2013 at 08:43
It’s good to get a fresh way of looking at it.
29.11.2013 at 08:33
That’s a skillful answer to a difficult question
02.12.2013 at 21:17
Insights like this liven things up around here.
11.12.2013 at 01:40
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
15.12.2013 at 11:15
You keep it up now, understand? Really good to know.
21.12.2013 at 23:17
You’re a real deep thinker. Thanks for sharing.
23.12.2013 at 20:45
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
25.12.2013 at 07:25
That’s a subtle way of thinking about it.
27.12.2013 at 00:08
That’s 2 clever by half and 2×2 clever 4 me. Thanks!
30.12.2013 at 21:01
It’s a real pleasure to find someone who can think like that
05.01.2014 at 07:00
At last, someone who knows where to find the beef
12.01.2014 at 04:51
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
14.01.2014 at 12:29
Now I know who the brainy one is, I’ll keep looking for your posts.
25.01.2014 at 14:00
There are no words to describe how bodacious this is.
28.01.2014 at 07:14
Gee willikers, that’s such a great post!
02.02.2014 at 22:17
HHIS I should have thought of that!
11.02.2014 at 19:36
Белоруссия скорбит,тяжело видеть очередную боль людей.
21.07.2011 at 21:56
I’m grateful you made the post. It’s cleared the air for me.
12.09.2013 at 09:41
Why does this have to be the ONLY reliable source? Oh well, gj!
24.09.2013 at 23:35
Appreciation for this information is over 9000-thank you!
01.10.2013 at 03:38
That’s a smart way of thinking about it.
20.10.2013 at 14:25
People normally pay me for this and you are giving it away!
23.10.2013 at 06:09
That’s an inventive answer to an interesting question
26.10.2013 at 02:22
As Charlie Sheen says, this article is «WINNING!»
28.10.2013 at 10:15
I was struck by the honesty of your posting
08.11.2013 at 16:49
It’s always a relief when someone with obvious expertise answers. Thanks!
13.11.2013 at 20:42
This site is like a classroom, except I don’t hate it. lol
18.11.2013 at 15:49
This was so helpful and easy! Do you have any articles on rehab?
22.11.2013 at 02:02
Call me wind because I am absolutely blown away.
23.11.2013 at 02:23
This article keeps it real, no doubt.
27.11.2013 at 06:03
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful articles.
02.12.2013 at 09:53
I really appreciate free, succinct, reliable data like this.
04.12.2013 at 14:44
Shoot, who would have thought that it was that easy?
06.12.2013 at 11:30
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for posting!
09.12.2013 at 00:31
I could read a book about this without finding such real-world approaches!
10.12.2013 at 03:47
With all these silly websites, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.
12.12.2013 at 04:26
That’s a knowing answer to a difficult question
14.12.2013 at 21:24
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
16.12.2013 at 00:02
Wow, this is in every respect what I needed to know.
20.12.2013 at 23:01
God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to figure this out.
22.12.2013 at 13:20
Just do me a favor and keep writing such trenchant analyses, OK?
24.12.2013 at 15:08
I’m not quite sure how to say this; you made it extremely easy for me!
28.12.2013 at 19:58
Thinking like that shows an expert at work
31.12.2013 at 11:34
This is what we need — an insight to make everyone think
04.01.2014 at 02:02
A wonderful job. Super helpful information.
09.01.2014 at 16:28
Woah nelly, how about them apples!
13.01.2014 at 00:21
Grade A stuff. I’m unquestionably in your debt.
14.01.2014 at 16:16
We’ve arrived at the end of the line and I have what I need!
02.02.2014 at 10:23
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and running.
13.02.2014 at 08:13
22.07.2011 at 01:33
Бог говорит: «Во что вас бить еще, продолжающие свое упорство?» Даже, забрав детей, (которые и есть дар Божий), Люди не каются в своих грехах, а наоборот, винят Бога. (как вы например) Хороший пример тому в Откровении 16 глава: «…и дано было ему жечь людей огнем. И жег людей сильный зной, и они хулили имя Бога, имеющего власть над сими язвами, и не вразумились, чтобы воздать Ему славу.» Этот зной становится сильней и сильней с каждым летом, но… ЛЮДИ НЕ ВРАЗУМИЛИСь.
23.07.2011 at 14:48
And I thought I was the sensible one. Thanks for setting me straight.
18.09.2013 at 07:57
I cannot tell a lie, that really helped.
21.09.2013 at 03:28
Grazi for making it nice and EZ.
29.09.2013 at 07:17
I see, I suppose that would have to be the case.
12.10.2013 at 03:46
Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
15.10.2013 at 23:16
I thought I’d have to read a book for a discovery like this!
21.10.2013 at 12:57
Mighty useful. Make no mistake, I appreciate it.
24.10.2013 at 09:48
That’s what we’ve all been waiting for! Great posting!
29.10.2013 at 17:56
Real brain power on display. Thanks for that answer!
31.10.2013 at 16:39
Of the panoply of website I’ve pored over this has the most veracity.
08.11.2013 at 07:29
If I were a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, now I’d say «Kowabunga, dude!»
19.11.2013 at 08:43
I’ll try to put this to good use immediately.
23.11.2013 at 00:36
Thanks for being on point and on target!
23.11.2013 at 08:31
Too many compliments too little space, thanks!
28.11.2013 at 13:24
That’s a smart way of thinking about it.
30.11.2013 at 13:56
A provocative insight! Just what we need!
05.12.2013 at 16:08
Now I’m like, well duh! Truly thankful for your help.
09.12.2013 at 04:03
That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
09.12.2013 at 17:48
Tip top stuff. I’ll expect more now.
13.12.2013 at 17:53
I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.
15.12.2013 at 16:25
Time to face the music armed with this great information.
16.12.2013 at 14:53
A provocative insight! Just what we need!
21.12.2013 at 05:13
The honesty of your posting shines through
23.12.2013 at 00:00
All of my questions settled-thanks!
26.12.2013 at 11:26
I was so confused about what to buy, but this makes it understandable.
29.12.2013 at 00:12
Unbelievable how well-written and informative this was.
30.12.2013 at 19:08
The ability to think like that is always a joy to behold
02.01.2014 at 15:07
Smart thinking — a clever way of looking at it.
03.01.2014 at 19:18
Just what the doctor ordered, thankity you!
05.01.2014 at 11:01
That’s not just logic. That’s really sensible.
12.01.2014 at 17:42
More posts of this quality. Not the usual c***, please
24.01.2014 at 18:42
Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knowledge. Sinful?
27.01.2014 at 07:33
This is just the perfect answer for all forum members
12.02.2014 at 02:50
У нас в России трагедий всегда много….
23.07.2011 at 16:16
И это печально…
23.07.2011 at 16:17
Это очень большое горе, не дай Бог такое пережить, никому.
23.07.2011 at 19:39
Господи,за что ты нас наказываешь.вечная память погибшим!!
23.07.2011 at 22:42
24.07.2011 at 18:22
Жуткая картина..Царство всем небесное!!
25.07.2011 at 19:44
Страшная, трагедия! Чудовищная несправедливость!!! До каких же пор будут страдать безвинные души и так рано, нелепо уходить из нашей жизни люди, из-за пресловутого «человеческого фактора», а проще сказать из-за расхлябонности, разгильдяйства, не профессионализма и безнаказанности?!! Это наше русское «авось пронесёт» в наше время — просто дикое варварство, чудовищное бескультурие и безграмотность!!! Очень-очень больно и стыдно за державу, в которой мы не защищены и беспомощны перед такими жуткими нелепостями! Стыд , позор и презрение ко всем нелюдям, кто повинен в таких трагедиях! Человеческая жизнь бесценна, а жизнь ребёнка тем более. Надо наказывать так, чтобы у таких работников даже и мысли не могло возникнуть про «авось» и рука отсыхала бы как только они накануне тянулись к рюмке! Одно только греет сердце, что горе отдельных людей, становится общим всенародным горем. Люди становятся ближе друг к другу, становятся чище и благороднее в едином скорбном порыве… Но опять на какое-то время притупляется боль до следующего сердечного удара по народу. Да сколько же надо таких страшных ударов по сердцу людей и стране, чтобы понять, что так жить нельзя!!! Пора требовать решительных мер безопасности для народа, иначе нас всех изведут на нет из-за этих «авось»! Вечная память всем безвинно погибшим!!!
27.07.2011 at 20:02
That’s the smart thinking we could all benefit from.
20.09.2013 at 08:19
I appreciate you taking to time to contribute That’s very helpful.
21.09.2013 at 08:29
Thanks for writing such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.
27.09.2013 at 05:55
I’m quite pleased with the information in this one. TY!
12.10.2013 at 13:21
For the love of God, keep writing these articles.
17.10.2013 at 13:30
I can’t believe you’re not playing with me—that was so helpful.
19.10.2013 at 21:54
Kudos! What a neat way of thinking about it.
23.10.2013 at 09:10
Pleasing you should think of something like that
25.10.2013 at 20:27
If your articles are always this helpful, «I’ll be back.»
27.10.2013 at 20:28
Smack-dab what I was looking for-ty!
02.11.2013 at 00:58
You’ve really helped me understand the issues. Thanks.
03.11.2013 at 12:33
Posts like this make the internet such a treasure trove
06.11.2013 at 02:26
If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!
10.11.2013 at 20:22
I’d venture that this article has saved me more time than any other.
18.11.2013 at 04:14
So true. Honesty and everything recognized.
22.11.2013 at 19:46
Begun, the great internet education has.
23.11.2013 at 13:05
You’ve really impressed me with that answer!
30.11.2013 at 22:31
It’s about time someone wrote about this.
03.12.2013 at 20:44
Haha, shouldn’t you be charging for that kind of knowledge?!
07.12.2013 at 09:28
A perfect reply! Thanks for taking the trouble.
10.12.2013 at 13:22
Hot damn, looking pretty useful buddy.
13.12.2013 at 02:01
An intelligent point of view, well expressed! Thanks!
14.12.2013 at 04:12
Keep on writing and chugging away!
19.12.2013 at 21:36
Kewl you should come up with that. Excellent!
20.12.2013 at 06:53
I am forever indebted to you for this information.
24.12.2013 at 10:30
Touchdown! That’s a really cool way of putting it!
26.12.2013 at 14:35
The truth just shines through your post
30.12.2013 at 16:04
That’s a smart answer to a difficult question.
02.01.2014 at 17:15
All things considered, this is a first class post
05.01.2014 at 05:31
Impressive brain power at work! Great answer!
08.01.2014 at 13:38
I like to party, not look articles up online. You made it happen.
11.01.2014 at 21:10
Do you have more great articles like this one?
14.01.2014 at 04:26
TYVM you’ve solved all my problems
31.01.2014 at 20:40
Well put, sir, well put. I’ll certainly make note of that.
02.02.2014 at 10:24
Примите мои соболезнования. Такая невосполнимая утрата! Особенно жалко детишек, смотрю на своего сынишку и страшно представить, как же тяжело родителям, потерявшим своих малышей! Нет слов….Такой ужас!
Скорблю о всех погибших.
28.07.2011 at 10:14
Extremely helpful article, please write more.
11.09.2013 at 22:15
That really captures the spirit of it. Thanks for posting.
14.09.2013 at 21:29
There’s a terrific amount of knowledge in this article!
17.09.2013 at 09:52
A piece of erudition unlike any other!
28.09.2013 at 19:37
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thought of that.
01.10.2013 at 16:06
Enlightening the world, one helpful article at a time.
14.10.2013 at 18:49
Learning a ton from these neat articles.
15.10.2013 at 08:17